Barra da Tijuca Boat Trips
Conheça os melhores Passeios de Barco na Barra da Tijuca
Boat trip around Ilha da Gigóia, Lagoa Marapendi, Praia da Reserva, Praia dos Amores, Quebra Mar, Tijucas Islands.

A 50-minute tour around islands and passing channels in the Ilha da Gigoia region and a visit to the alligator channel
A 2 hour 30 minute ride will take you along 9km of canals until you reach the charms of Lagoa de Marapendi

A 4-hour tour departing from Lagoa da Tijuca. You, family and friends will travel 9km of canals until you reach the charms of Lagoa de Marapendi and then a pleasant swim at Praia da Reserva
A 4-hour tour departing from Lagoa da Tijuca towards the open sea and the stunning Tijucas Islands and their crystalline waters, a place to simply relax and let yourself be blessed by all that life has to offer Good

A 50-minute ride around towards Quebramar da Barra da Tijuca. With the right tide we are talking about crystalline waters